We regret to announce that, as of the 28th January 2016, we will be increasing the prices of some of our domain names. Due to price increases forced upon us by the core domain registrars, our basic domain registration charge will increase to £8/year + VAT, from the current level of £6.95/year + VAT. If you currently pay your hosting in US dollars, the price will rise to $12/year from $10.95/year.

This is our first domain name price rise since January 2012, and it is something we try to avoid doing. Unfortunately, due to annual price increases by the major registries, we would be making a loss on every domain if we did not increase prices now.

This change will apply to the following domain name extensions (including subdomains of these - e.g., .co.uk):

.com, .net, .org, .uk, .biz, .eu, .info, .name, .us, .de, .es, .nl

Other extensions, and all hosting packages, are unaffected and remain at their current prices.

The good news is that, until the 28th January 2016, you can still renew your domains at the current price, for up to 10 years. Plus, when you renew for more than one year, you benefit from increased discounts - a 10 year .com renewal would cost you just $10.50/year! You can renew your domains early, or register a new domain at the current pricing, from our member centre. To view all your current domains and their renewal status, visit:


If you have any questions regarding this increase, please feel free to reply to this e-mail.

Please accept our apologies if this should cause any inconvenience to you. We would like to wish all customers a happy new year.


Owen Rudge
Zernebok Hosting, Ltd.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

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